An Overview Of Alveoloplasty

22 November 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Alveoloplasty is a dental procedure where the dentist uses an instrument to reshape your jawbone, specifically the alveolar ridge – the part of the jawbone that houses the teeth. Below is an overview of this dental procedure.

Why You May Need Alveoloplasty

You need alveoloplasty if you have a bumpy or uneven alveolar ridge that needs reshaping. Below are specific reasons to get the procedure.

Prosthetic Fitting

Some dental treatments work best if the dentist performs them on even or smooth jawbones. Dental prosthetic fittings typically require such alveoloplasty. For example, you may need the treatment before denture fitting since the denture is a non-flexible material that needs to fit on your jawbone as closely as possible.

You may also need jawbone reshaping before a dental implant or bridge placement. Otherwise, some contours might remain under the fitting and trap debris, increasing the risk of dental infections.

Reshaping After Extraction

You may also get alveoloplasty as a cosmetic procedure after tooth extraction. For example, teeth extractions sometimes leave jagged bones around the extraction site. Many people do not like the appearance of such jagged edges, especially if they are visible from the outside. In such a case, the dentist may reshape the jawbone to improve your appearance.

The Procedure

Alveoloplasty is a surgical procedure, albeit a relatively minor one. Your dentist will give you specific instructions on what to do or avoid before the procedure. For example, the dentist may advise you to avoid eating or drinking some hours before the treatment.

Every surgery has some risk of infection due to tissue disturbance. Some people face a higher risk of infections than others. The dentist will give you an antibacterial treatment before the treatment if they assess your risk of infection as high.

Alveoloplasty may sound invasive and painful, but that is rarely the case. First, your dentist will give you a treatment to numb the treatment area. Once you are numb, the dentist will make an incision on your gum line to expose your jawbone. After that, the dentist will drill or burr the exposed jawbone to the desired shape and size. The last step is stitching the gum tissue.

Hopefully, you will recover from your treatment as scheduled. Note that alveoloplasty is a surgical procedure, which means it is rarely the first choice treatment for dental problems. Your dentist will diagnose your dental problem and advise you on the best treatment course. Follow your dentist's recommendations to the letter, whether they involve alveoloplasty or not.

Reach out to your dentist to learn more.
